Movement That Inspires
Kia / Marshmallow Laser Feast
This advertising campaign for Kia Motors bridged the gap between experimental science and digital content creation. Working with a team of scientists and designers to create digital billboards and an interactive installation
Working with Marshmallow Laser Feast and a team of researchers from Oregon State University, Kings Collage and the Fraunhofer Institute - Artists & Engineers' Louis Mustill was the Technical Director for the project, both helping develop the research methodology and the link from this to the final content, as well as looking after the technology and creation of the interactive installation.
We developed a methodology for testing different type of content derived from natural forms of movement and forms, Fractals, waves and wind - and based the content development approach on testing against well established scientific ideas to try and validate the creative decisions through testing.


Creative Studio / Production Company
Marshmallow Laser Feast
Creative Director
Ersin Han Ersin
Mike Jones / Mark Logue / Ulla Winkler / Helen Dulay
Art Director
Paul Mumford
Technical Direction
Louis Mustill / Artists & Engineers
Lead Unreal Developer
Will Young
Science Advisor
Katherine Templar-Lewis
Kia Motors